Friday, 7 June 2024

Exploring the Lower Enmore River

The Enmore River is one of my favourite rivers to visit, but it usually involves outings on the upper Enmore (upriver from the Enmore Road bridge). This year, I did two outings on the lower Enmore River, which joins the larger Percival River before flowing into Egmont Bay.

Lower Enmore River tracks
Blue - MYS15 (9.5 km)
Red - WD12 (0 km)

Accessing the lower Enmore River is not a problem. There are at least four access points that are suitable for kayaks and small boats (Yeos Shore, Portage Shore, Enmans Shore, and the Enmore Road bridge). Most of the time, I prefer to use the Yeos Shore or the Enmore Road bridge launch locations. The Enmans Shore launch is good if you are paddling out to Mossy Point (NCC) and across to Grand Digue Point (INT). I haven't used the Portage location very much, if ever..

In 2024, I did two outings on the lower Enmore River. For the first one (June 7), I launched my small sailing skiff (MYS15) at Yeos Shore and headed towards Enmans Shore. On the way, I stopped at the entrance of MacLaurins Creek to check on a small NCC property. This small NCC property is a salt-water marsh and part of NCC's extensive land ownership around the Enmore and Percival Rivers.

NCC property near Yeos Shore

MYS15 - a sail and oar skiff

Then, I sailed the 2 km or so to the Enmans Shore towards another NCC property (Mossy Point). After a shore walk, I sailed across the mouth of the Enmore River and landed on a large sand spit just before the entrance to  Robbs Creek. I did another shore walk before sailing back along the eastern shoreline to the ramp at Yeos Shore. Sailing to the Enmore Road bridge would be fun on the right day. It would be good to avoid a southerly wind – a westerly or easterly wind would be best!

Enman Shore with Mossy Point in background



On the second outing (August 30), I started at the Enmore Rd bridge with my 12ft Wood Duck kayak. My destination was Robbs Creek – about 2 km downriver. Robbs Creek's water level was just high enough to explore all the inlets and shorelines. There's a small oyster farm operation at the mouth of Robbs Creek – probably a well-protected location from storms. There are no other oyster farms upriver on the Enmore. The larger oyster farms are at the outlet of the Enmore River across from Portage Shore and MacLaurins Creek.


Oyster farming, mouth of Robbs Creek

Greater Yellowlegs shorebird


After exploring the Robbs Creek area, I paddled back upriver, looking for ducks, eagles, etc. When I returned to the bridge, I continued upriver for 1 km to get more paddling and sightseeing. After a couple of exploring shore stops, I returned to the Enmore Road bridge ramp. The Enmore River is always a great place to paddle and explore nature!

Black Duck


Belted Kingfisher on the move