Thursday, 12 September 2024

Trout River, Goff Bridge, Foxley


The Foxley/Trout River waterway is quite large and complex. It flows north to Cascumpec Bay. In addition to the Foxley and Trout Rivers, the waterway system includes the Oyster R, MacDonald R, Portage R, George R, Mary R, and a few other unnamed creeks and inlets. I have paddled and sailed in the Foxley/Trout River system a few times but have not explored the entire area yet. 

Foxley/Trout River system


Paddling track, Merganser kayak (8 km)


On Sep 12, I brought my Merganser 17ft kayak to the Goff Bridge (R12), intending to paddle upriver as far as Highway 2 (Carleton). I didn’t get that far. Also, the tides were not the highest, so I didn’t bother paddling into the side creeks and rivers. On starting, I noticed that the water is very shallow at the Goff Bridge, and the bottom is covered with sharp oyster shells. It’s a good idea to stay in the marked channel.

American Eel trap

Trout River scenery

I went ashore in several places before paddling back to the launch site (Goff Bridge). The first stop was at a sandy point on the eastern shore. There’s a small forest grove here on the riverbank, including a few Eastern White Pines (which are somewhat rare in Prince County these days). I wonder if those Pines are PEI natives or were part of a plantation. I turned around since Highway 2 was still about 2 km away, and I was getting tired.



Great Blue Heron


My second stop was at a Black Spruce grove on the western side of the river. After a walk up & down the shore, I made the paddle journey back to the Goff Bridge ramp. There’s still lots to explore on the upper Trout/Foxley River. Next year, I should at least check out the George and Mary Rivers.

Goff Bridge launch site


Common Yellowthroat