Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Portage River - Foxley/Trout River, PEI

I started exploring the Foxley/Trout River system in 2020 and continued this year with two more trips.  The first trip was to the Portage River from Route 12 Goff’s Bridge launch site. The launch site is at the NW corner of Goff’s Bridge and is heavily used by the aquaculture oyster industry. With all the aquaculture farming activities in the area, the Foxley/Trout River system is best for paddling and limited sailing - the sail-&-oar MYS15 skiff is the best choice.

Portage River and track (July 20, 2021)

On July 20, I planned to sail or row across the Trout River and then head up the Portage River to check out the INT property bordering the Portage River to the east. My first stop was on the west bank of the Portage River to explore, and then I crossed over to the east shore and went for a walk in the INT property. The winds were pretty light, but I did manage to sail to the end of the Portage River.

Oyster aquaculture operation

MYS15 in Portage River

The INT property includes a large wetland bordering the Portage River with all kinds of vegetation. One shrub I observed there is Swamp Birch, apparently relatively rare in PEI (S2). There were also butterflies and dragonflies in the area (e.g. Common Wood-Nymph, Common Whitetail).  For other nature obnservations (iNaturalist), click HERE.

After walking to Tory Road through the forest, I returned to the boat and started the trip back. Unfortunately, the wind had given up, so it was the oars all the way back. But before leaving the Portage River, I did make a lunch stop on a walkable beach on the east side of the river.


Swamp Birch (rare in PEI)


Shore access (east bank, Portaaage R)

The Portage River needs another trip by kayak to allow for more exploring options and a longer walk in the INT property. Even though it’s more developed, a kayaking trip to the west of Goff’s Bridge would be nice for exploring the Trout, George, and Mary Rivers.

Wetland (bottom of Portage River, INT property)

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