Thursday, 29 September 2022

Paddling & exploring on the Enmore River


The Department of the Environment for PEI has the Enmore River labelled as having excellent water quality. This is not hard to believe. Every time that I go paddling on the Enmore River, I feel that this small river is still pristine! The Enmore is currently unspoiled by farming, fishing, or any other kinds of industries. There has been logging in the area over the years but there’s nothing large-scale taking place at the moment. 


August 13 paddle (5.8 km)


Sep 29 paddle (post Fiona)

In April 2022, I walked a trail along the south shoreline of the upper Enmore River (maintained by a local watershed group). I had my fishing rod, but no trout were caught. Over the summer, I did two kayak paddles up the Enmore River from the North Enmore bridge. The first paddle in August was for monitoring the multiple NCC properties on the river (3). The second paddle in late September was to check on the impact of hurricane Fiona on the Enmore River.

The August paddle coincided well with high tides and this allowed me to paddle quite far up the large west creek into the newly acquired NCC property (Mill Rd). I went ashore and visited the beaver pond/wetland nearby – but the beavers didn’t show on that day.

On the September paddle (post-Fiona), it was hard to believe that a hurricane had hit PEI a few weeks earlier. The Enmore River looked as pristine as ever. I saw maybe two trees down on the shoreline.  The grasses and sedges were still all standing. For this paddle, I went the full distance between the North Enmore and the Mill Road bridges (2.5 km). On the way back, I tried to visit the large beaver pond on the east side of the river but got blocked by thick vegetation (e.g. cattails).

The Enmore River is pretty much an annual paddle for the enjoyment (scenery & nature) and peacefulness it brings on a beautiful summer day! 


Great Blue Heron in a tree



In 2023, I did a spring and fall paddle on the Enmore River. Here are the tracks and iNaturalist links for those outings.

Spring paddle, 12Jun2023
Link to iNaturalist posts

Fall paddle, 12Oct2023
Link to iNaturalist posts
Link to Google Photo album


  1. Again in 2023 (Jun 12 & Oct 12), I made two paddle outings on the Enmore River - both from the North Enmore bridge. Of all the Egmont Bay rivers, the Enmore is my favourite to paddle and explore. Both outings were at fairly high tides, so that allowed paddling up all the side creeks. The side creeks can be the best areas for nature sightings.

  2. On the Oct 12, 2023 paddle, I had a great nature walk in a mature Black Spruce bog forest (NCC property). I have marked (GPS) the shore access for this forest and will visit again in the future - especially during mushroom season.

  3. For the summer of 2024, I made five outings on the Enmore River.
    15May2024 - paddling & fishing on the upper Enmore by canoe
    26May2024 - rowing (MYS15) on the river from the N. Enmore bridge
    07Jun2024 - sailing (MYS15) on the lower Enmore from Yeos shore (Moore Rd)
    30Aug2024 - paddled the lower section of the river from the N. Enmore bridge
    22Sep2024 - fall paddle on the upper Enmore with the new kayak (14ft Shearwater)
    For nature sightings, check/search iNaturalist for those dates.
    One of my favourite river to explore, obviously!


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